News & Projects

A Project is an in-depth investigation or research topic that emerges from children’s exploration, interests, questions, or from a specific event or other investigator. Projects are not predefined but are planned and evolve over time. Projects vary in lenght and content-in response to the children’s interest-leading in different directions based on children’s findings, new discoveries and new questions that arise.


The construction of a scarecrow for our centre emerged from the children’s work in the veggie garden. Our preschoolers decided they needed something to stop the birds getting into the crops. Some of the them had experience with scarecrows and were able to share their expert knowledge as they collaborated with their peers and teachers to create our beadutiful new friend.


There is a lot of excitement at preschool at the moment as we watch eight caterpillars in the process of becoming butterflies. Most of them now in the chrysalis stage after eating non stop for two weeks. We are watching with anticipation to see when they will emerge.

We have also welcomed a tadpole to our centre who has begun to grow tiny back legs. We can’t wait to learn more about this process as we see it unfold.


The Education Review Office visited us in January and our confirmed report is now available online. Click here to have a read.

We are currently working towards achieving the Heart Foundation’s Healthy Heart Award, to recognise our environment as one that promotes healthy eating and physical activity for preschoolers.