Our Programme
Te Whariki is our New Zealand Curriculum.
Treehouse works within this framework to provide activities and resources that suits all ages and inspires and ignites children’s learning.
We respect and acknowledge Maori people as Tangata whenua of Aotearoa and incorporate te reo in our daily morning meetings and waiata.
Our Planning is Inquiry Based Learning. That is the staff Notice, Recognise and Respond to the child’s interests.
Children are divided into 4 small groups depending on their age. Each Teacher is responsible for a group and plans and works with their group daily for a short period of time.
Teachers develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for your child. This is based upon discussions with you and via your child’s developmental interests observed at Treehouse. We encourage children to work collaboratively with their Teachers. We value the ‘child’s voice.’
We record and share your child’s experiences and learning through Storypark. An easy-to-use private online service. Videos, photos and your child’s IEP are uploaded onto Storypark for you to view and contribute to.
